aircraft cleaner

The sight of a dirty jet can stop you in your tracks. It’s not just about appearance; a clean aircraft reflects on your standards and safety. As a jet owner, the choice of an aircraft cleaner is a crucial decision you can’t afford to get wrong.

This guide is your go-to resource for understanding the what, how, and why of selecting the best aircraft cleaner for your needs. We’ll help you navigate through the choices with practical advice and expert tips.

Whether you operate private charters, maintain aircraft at FBOs, or manage private terminals, the cleanliness of your aircraft is a non-negotiable aspect of your service.

Let’s ensure that your jets not only gleam under the runway lights but also embody the excellence and professionalism of your operations. Dive in to find out how to keep your aircraft pristine and ready for the skies.


Cleaning your aircraft isn’t a one-size-fits-all task. Different types of aircraft demand different care strategies. For instance, the sleek surfaces of a private jet might need more delicate handling compared to the more robust exteriors of commercial airliners.

Consider what you’re dealing with. For instance, is it a small, agile private aircraft used for quick trips or a larger model that faces the rigors of frequent flights?

Begin by assessing the size of your jet. Larger aircraft naturally accumulate more dirt and debris and might require more comprehensive cleaning sessions.

Next, consider the materials used in your aircraft’s construction. Are there sensitive composite materials or traditional aluminum surfaces? Each material has its own cleaning requirements and compatible products.

Understanding how often and where you fly is also crucial. Jets that regularly cut through different weather conditions or land at varied airports might be exposed to more dirt and grime. This necessitates a more frequent cleaning schedule to prevent build-up that can corrode or damage the aircraft’s exterior.

In essence, recognizing the unique aspects of your jet lays the groundwork for a tailored cleaning regimen. It’s about finding that sweet spot where your aircraft’s cleanliness is maintained without overdoing it or neglecting essential care. With a clear grasp of your jet’s specific needs, you’re well on your way to ensuring it always looks and performs at its best.


Selecting the right aircraft cleaning tools is not just about keeping your jet shiny; it’s about preserving its integrity and safety. Every aircraft surface, from the windows to the body and the delicate areas around sensors and logos, requires suitable tools that clean effectively without causing damage.

Start with the basics: soft brushes and microfiber cloths are excellent for most surfaces, lifting dirt without leaving scratches. These should be your go-to for the bulk of the aircraft’s body.

For tougher spots like landing gears or exhaust stains, you might need more robust brushes. But always ensure they are approved for use on your specific type of aircraft.

The choice of cleaning agents is equally important. Harsh chemicals can corrode sensitive materials or strip away protective coatings.

Opt for aviation-approved cleansers that break down dirt and oil without harming the aircraft’s exterior or interior finishes. Remember, the wrong chemical can do more than just fail to clean; it can lead to costly damage.

Don’t overlook the smaller tools like:

  • Detail brushes
  • Specialty wipes
  • Cleaning mops designed for aircraft use

These tools can all make a significant difference. These tools are designed to get into the nooks and crannies, ensuring a thorough clean without risking damage to the aircraft’s intricate parts.

In the end, the right tools not only make the job easier but also ensure that each cleaning session contributes to the aircraft’s longevity and safety. Investing in quality cleaning tools is investing in your aircraft’s future, ensuring it continues to operate smoothly and looks great doing it.

With the right tools in hand, your jet will not only meet the highest standards of cleanliness but also maintain its value and appeal in the long run.


Knowing how often to clean your aircraft and the best techniques to use is as vital as the flight itself. A well-maintained jet is a symbol of safety and professionalism.

The frequency of cleaning largely depends on your aircraft’s usage and operating environment. A jet that frequently takes off and lands will encounter more pollutants than one used less often. Likewise, aircraft operated in coastal areas may need more frequent cleaning due to salt air exposure.

Start by setting a regular cleaning schedule. For most aircraft, a thorough wash every 4-6 weeks is a good baseline, but adjust this according to your specific circumstances. If your jet is parked outdoors or in a dusty area, you might need to increase the frequency. Conversely, less frequent use or storage in a hangar could mean fewer washes.

When it comes to techniques, always start from the top and work your way down. This ensures that dirt and cleaning solution run off areas you’ve already cleaned, preventing recontamination.

Pay special attention to the leading edges of the the aircraft’s wings, tail, and nose, as these areas are most susceptible to bug strikes and other debris. Use gentle, circular motions to lift dirt and grime without scratching the surface.

Incorporate the right techniques for different parts of the aircraft. For instance, windows and windshields require a softer touch and specific cleaners to avoid scratches or hazing. The same goes for the aircraft’s interior; use vacuuming and spot cleaning to keep upholstery, carpets, and surfaces in top condition.


Deciding between hiring a professional aircraft cleaner or doing it yourself is a big choice. Each option has its benefits and drawbacks, and what’s best depends on your specific needs and resources.

If you’re considering DIY, know that it requires time, effort, and a good understanding of the correct products and techniques. You’ll need to invest in the right tools and cleaning agents, and dedicate time to learn the proper way to use them. Doing it yourself can be rewarding and cost-effective for smaller aircraft or if you have a light schedule.

On the other hand, professional aircraft cleaners bring expertise and efficiency to the task. They have the experience to tackle different types of dirt and stains, often spotting potential issues before they become bigger problems.

Professionals come equipped with the right tools and products, saving you the hassle of purchasing and storing them. They understand the nuances of different aircraft materials and can clean and detail quickly and effectively.

Consider factors like the size and complexity of your aircraft, how often it needs cleaning, and whether you have the time and inclination to do it yourself. If you’re busy or have a larger or more complex jet, the professional route might save you time and ensure a deeper clean.

Remember, whether you choose DIY or professional services, the goal is the same: to keep your aircraft in top condition. Weigh the pros, cons, and costs of each option carefully.

Your decision will affect not just the appearance of your jet but also its longevity and safety. No matter what you choose, regular cleaning is key to a well-maintained and impressive aircraft.


Choosing the right aircraft cleaner is crucial. You want someone reliable, skilled, and with a keen eye for detail. Here are key things to look for:

First, experience matters. A cleaner familiar with different types of aircraft will know the specific needs and challenges of each. They’ll have a track record of handling various cleaning situations and can provide services tailored to your jet.

Check for references and reviews. A reputable cleaner will have positive feedback from previous clients.

This gives you an insight into their reliability and quality of work. Don’t hesitate to ask for references or look up reviews online.

Ensure they understand your type of aircraft and its cleaning requirements. Each aircraft has unique aspects that need specific care. The right cleaner will know the right tools and techniques for your model, whether it’s a small private jet or a larger commercial plane.

Look for flexibility and a range of services like aircraft maintenance. Sometimes you might need a quick exterior wash; other times, a full interior and exterior detail might be necessary. A good cleaner can offer a variety of services and adapt to your schedule and needs.

Lastly, professionalism is key (here’s what it should look like). Your aircraft cleaner should be punctual, thorough, and treat your aircraft with the utmost care. They should also be knowledgeable about the latest cleaning products and techniques, ensuring your jet gets the best treatment possible.

In summary, the right aircraft cleaner is experienced, well-reviewed, knowledgeable about various aircraft types, flexible in their services, and professional in their conduct. Choosing carefully ensures your aircraft remains in pristine condition, reflecting well on you every time it takes to the skies.


Maintaining your aircraft is about more than just regular cleaning. It’s about holistic care, ensuring every part of your jet is functioning beautifully and looks great.  

First, stick to a regular maintenance schedule. Just like cleaning, routine checks and repairs are vital.

They ensure everything from the engine to the avionics is in working order. Regular maintenance spots issues early, preventing small problems from becoming big, expensive ones.

Cleaning is part of this regular care. A clean aircraft isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about performance and safety too. Dirt and grime can hide issues or cause damage over time.

Regular, thorough cleaning, therefore, is crucial. It keeps your aircraft looking its best and functioning safely.

Don’t forget the interior. Your passengers’ comfort and the impression your jet makes are significantly affected by the interior condition.

Upholstery should be clean, surfaces dusted, and equipment checked. A well-maintained interior is as important as the exterior.

Lastly, documentation is key. Keep records of all maintenance and cleaning. This not only helps you keep track of what’s been done but is also crucial for resale value and regulatory purposes.

By combining regular maintenance with thorough cleaning and interior care, you ensure your jet is always ready to impress and perform. This approach keeps your aircraft safe, efficient, and ready for whatever skies lie ahead.


Finding the right aircraft cleaner is more than a task; it’s about forming a partnership with a professional who understands the value and intricacies of your jet.

This partnership is built on trust, reliability, and a shared commitment to maintaining your aircraft’s beauty and performance. The ideal cleaner becomes an extension of your team, someone who contributes to the longevity and safety of your jet with every clean.

Look for a cleaner who communicates clearly and listens to your needs, adapting their services accordingly. They should be willing to go the extra mile, ensuring every nook and cranny shines.

Your cleaner should not only leave your aircraft spotless but also provide peace of mind, knowing that an expert is taking care of your valuable asset. In this partnership, their expertise blends with your needs, resulting in an aircraft that always looks its best and is ready for takeoff.

Regular cleaning is the heartbeat of keeping your aircraft in prime condition. It’s not just about occasional deep cleans but integrating cleaning into the routine of your aircraft’s life. This regular rhythm of care prevents the buildup of dirt and grime, wards off corrosion, and keeps your aircraft looking fresh and welcoming.


Selecting the right aircraft cleaner is essential for any discerning aircraft owner. It’s about more than just keeping your jet clean; it’s about ensuring it operates safely and efficiently too.

At Jackson Jet Center, we offer luxurious BOI and PHX FBO terminals with extensive services including private charters across Idaho, Canada, and the U.S., and on-site aircraft maintenance. As the only Air Elite certified FBO in the Northwest and members of the prestigious network, we promise unparalleled service.

Conveniently located near urban centers, we provide easy access and top-tier amenities. Contact us for elite private charter services and more information.